Wednesday 31 March 2010


Yasir Saleem - we decided to use this actor to challenge the conventions seen in many of the films of the main character being white. It can show how society has slowly become more diverse. The character kept to all other conventions to not stray too far from the film's path.

Robbie Nichol - we decided to use this actor to follow the stereotype's of the character being white and quite thuggish. The character shaved his head, following many films such as Lock, Stock and wore a hoody to once again follow clothing conventions.

Hannah Lenane - we used this actress as we felt she followed the stereotypes such as her being young and being a young girl with a child living on an estate.

Luke Howarth - we used this actor as he was similar to Robbie Nichol in that we had short hair, looking thuggish and wore a hoody with a chain, following many conventions.

Jack Reynolds - we decided upon this actor as he was different to the other actors in that he didnt have short hair so he was similar to the main character and as he looked like a bit of a cheeky chappy and the audience could relate to it.

Thursday 18 March 2010


Music Confirmation

In order to gain usage of our chosen musical accompaniment, Fast Fuse by Kasabian, we emailed the record company to gain permission.

It reads:

"Dear sir or madam,
My name is Robbie Nichol. I am currently working on my Media Studies project in school and I was hoping you could give me permission to use the song, 'Fast Fuse', by the band Kasabian in my film. Thank you in advance for your time.

Film Location

We have chosen to film the exterior of this pub in order to establish further information about the character and setting of the story as the surrounding area is very run-down, urban and working class -estates and council housing can be seen in the background. Also, on the front of the pub we can see an English flag, further establishing the location as well as informing audiences of the characters lifestyle as we can see the slogan 'Palace and Proud' on the front of the pub.

Thursday 4 March 2010

Film Location

Council Estate Scene
Lambeth, Greater London SW12, UK

Satellite View

Map View

Surrounding Area

Neville Court, Weir Road, Balham

[View Comment Below]

Wednesday 3 March 2010

Target Audience

We have decided that our target audience will be adults aged 18-35. Our film will be classified as an 18 as a result and that is due to the adult themes it contains, the strong use of substance abuse, bad language, violence and sexual connotations. Most films within this genre are also 18. The film will be heavily targeted towards males especially, due to the main characters being male and because of the footballing background to the film, which will usually draw men into the film other than women.